Thrige-Titan facelift

The electric motor and batteries compartment was quite depressing to the eyes... With the batteries' basket on its way to glory, I had to do something about that poor looking Thrige-Titan electric motor.
I have already cleaned a ton of old grease and dirt from it, got rid of a peeling layer of paint of its cooling fan in the sandblaster, so next step was to do something about the electric motor body itself.
Nevertheless, I do not want to separate the motor from the axel support, neither disassemble the motor itself (I've already went to far in this project!!). 
I thought it would be possible just to give it a fast facelift by repainting its body. In my head I just thought in the remaining Brantho-Korrux... and made a quick decision! Here's the then (left) and now (right) 

This time I did not make any special preparation other than cleaning with a universal solvent to remove remaining grease residues from the initial cleaning. Then applied two thin layers of Brantho-Korrux with a soft brush leaving some 15mins of drying between each one. 

Here it is with fan already installed and ready to be mounted:
It is going to look great once in place! 


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