Mechanics assembly - part #2, rear shock absorbers and brakes

Now that I have the batteries' basket, suspension blades and the electric motor along with the rear axle, it is time to fit the rest of the rear major mechanical parts.

It starts of with the brakes mounting plate going into the rear axle, as this parts holds one of the bearings that make the rear wheel. Them the shock absorver is fitted in and properly tighten on both ends. At this stage it looks like this :

When this is done, I continue by fitting the brake piston assembly in place. But before that I dismounted the complete piston assembly and looked for any sign of wear or in the cilinder body, or cracks in the joints and rubbers. I was quite lucky because everything was in perfect condition. 
Here it is with the brake pads ready
I can finally put the brake pads in position and insert the contraction spring:

This was one of the hardest things do, as the spring is really hard to compress and properly set in place... Nevertheless, I did it! 
Regarding the brake pads, they originally were in a pretty bad shape, with not much braking material left or with some signs bad leveling. These two photos were taken at that time
One can still by refurbished break pads from the two existing suppliers bof parts for the city-EL, but you need to send the used ones to them or pay some cost (see here or here).
However, I tried to find a specialized repair shop locally and have them fully refurbished. 
A friend of mine recommended me Technomag, which is about 15mins driving from where I live. I was pretty hesitating because here in Switzerland such labour can cost a lot...
Nevertheless, along with brake pads, I also took two front wheels to replace the bearings and rectify the braking drum.  
At the it was pretty cheap: 


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